Wednesday 23 November 2011

Canadian weather

It's a topic Canadians talk complain about all the time.  The weather.  In the winter, it's too cold or there's too much snow.  In the summer (however short it may be) it's often too hot.  However, our rants about the weather might be valid sometimes.  For example, last summer in my home town of Hamilton, Ontario, it reached 48°C (118.4°F).  This is the same place that in the winter it has been known to reach well below -20°C (-4°F).  In fact, the coldest I've experienced was -35°C (-31°F).  So yes.  We might complain about it a lot, but I think we have a good reason to!

Anyway, while most of the people complain about the snow, I love it.  Actually, this morning there was snow on the lawns and cars.  The first time I saw snow this year was October 1st.  It was short, but it happened.  Generally, snow continues until March or April.  That might sound like a long time, but if you enjoy snow like me, it's fun!

Our seasons are weird.  Spring and Fall are very short.  The temperature can be 15°C (5°F) one day and 0°C (32°F) the next.  It goes up and down for a few weeks, then we have the two actual Canadian seasons - winter, and road construction.  Even though the drastic changes in weather are yet another target for our complaints, we owe our ability to produce more than 80% of the world's maple syrup to them!  Mainly in spring, we tap our trees during that crazy time and get delicious results.

Right, well I'm not sure why I made this post... I just felt like discussing the weather.  Perhaps it's because my parents are in Florida right now enjoying the sun and the beach!!!  (anger & jealousy abound)

Here's a picture of my parent's house during the winter.

This next one is from last winter, when we had a particularly nasty storm that was dumped so suddenly that the people in this traffic jam got stuck.  It resulted in one death - even though winter weather can be pretty and fun, things like this remind us that it's always important to stay careful and prepared!

Well that's that!  Stay tuned for more mindless rants about random topics!


  1. Greetings from Florida!! Beautiful day. High of 76 degrees today.

    Angry and jealous??? Don't be. You are the one who has been to 16 different countries. Actually, you have been to North Redington Beach and stayed at the Sandalwood.

    You are making our weather in Canada seem waaaay worse than it really is. Are you trying to scare away the tourists and the future immigrants? LOL

  2. Kate should have told Ian that you haven't experienced winter until you have stood at the corner of Portage and Main in January or just hang out with Kate and her "winter coat." That is an experience.....We would know it as a sleeping bag! LOL.
    This one's for Kate...

  3. I am waiting for the early December post, should be a good one as it is taking a long time to be completed.
