Wednesday 25 January 2012


Ok, so school has started and it's great!  My classes are interesting and I have great teachers.  I think my favourite class will be Airline Operations.  I'm starting to adjust to my schedule of work and school, so that's good too.  I have started with my French again - I'm now in level 2!  My goal with that is to go through the levels and eventually get my certificate that says I'm officially bilingual - I think that would certainly help when it comes to getting a job!

Lots of my classes have online components.  It's difficult to keep track of for me because the last time I was in school, nothing was online.  Now I find myself handing in assignments, doing quizzes and participating in discussions all online!  It is a bit confusing to get used to, but I think I will become more and more comfortable with that as time goes by.

Today I went to a discount store and bought a board game for myself called "13 Dead End Drive".  I used to have it when I was a kid and I was so excited to find it today!  It cost me $1.25 and I'm thrilled!!  I played it today with Steph - it was like stepping back in time!  While I was there, I also bought a board game version of Who Wants to be a Millionaire ($1.25), a sort of logic word puzzle game for $1.25, and 2 books - a guide to Europe ($1.00) and Tours of North America ($2.00).  That last book is about driving tours you can do in North America which I thought might be a good resource.

Right, so as you can see I bought a lot of things for next to nothing!

Ok, that's my update for now.  Not much else has happened with me!

Stay warm and enjoy the rest of January!

1 comment:

  1. You failed to mention your bargains at Tip Tops closing sale...Dad got a golf shirt! Surprise......
