Monday 2 January 2012

Christmas & New Years!

Alright, now that it's 2012, I think it's time to put my post up about Christmas and I'll combine it with New Years.  Every Christmas we have certain traditions.  Christmas Eve we go to my Aunt & Uncle's house for a big family dinner.  I don't use the word 'big' loosely here, there were 26 people there this year!  The food is always really good and it's nice to get together like that.  Some of those people I only see once a year so the Christmas Eve dinner is something I really look forward to.  Then comes Christmas.  This year, our family did the big Christmas things (presents, dinner etc.) on the 26th.

Here are some pictures of those Christmas traditions.

This picture shows almost everyone who was at the big dinner.  There are 2 people not visible.
My house - this is my first attempt at Christmas lights ever!
This is my best friend Steph and I at my parent's house for Christmas dinner
Then came New Years.  Every year, at least 4 of us go to Niagara Falls for our New Years celebration.  We have been going since 2007 I think.  We usually go to the casino, although the first year we went to the outdoor concert.  Anyway, here are some pictures of that night!

It was a fun night!  Well, here we are in 2012.  I'm glancing out the window to see light snow and patches of blue sky.  It's kind of nice actually!  Alright, that's that.  Happy 2012 everyone!

1 comment:

  1. The lights on your house looked great. Nice and straight! AND you didn't fall off the roof or the ladder. Good job!
