Monday 9 January 2012

My first day of school

I dreamt I was late.  I woke up at 5:45 a little excited... or nervous.  I'm not sure.  Maybe it was the other dream I had - I lost my favourite scarf.  It was terrible.  Anyway...

After I had my coffee, visited with my roommate and got my backpack ready for the first day of school, I felt better.  This, of course, wasn't my very first day of post-secondary school.  I went to UWO for Music.  That was an awesome 4 years.  Then I went to Nipissing for Education.  That was less awesome, but I still met great people.

This first day brought me back to being a student again - something I haven't been for 4 years now.  It's not a long time, but spending lots of those 4 years teaching, I found it hard to listen to people telling me what to do rather than being the one on the other side of the desk!  It was fun though, and I think I'm really going to get a lot out of the program.

I entered into a draw.  I want to win.

Right, well my classes seem like they will be interesting.  The ones I'm looking forward to most are the travel related ones.  I've got Airline Operations, Independent Tours, Introduction to Tourism and Travel Geography.  I'm taking an online Communications course, and also a course called Office Software Applications.  Just like last semester, I'm in a night class too - La Pratique du Français 2.  This will be the second level of the series, but I'll have the same teacher, which is good.

The less exciting part of all of this are the prices of the text books.  I stopped in at the bookstore on my way out of the College.  I almost had a stroke when I saw that one of my required books is $147.  $147!!!  Who makes these books?!  Blind virgins?!

Anyway, when all is said, done, and in the past, I will probably have learned a lot and will be thankful that I have a job dealing with what I love - travel.

That said, I have 2 classes tomorrow.  I start at 10am so hopefully I don't wake up as early as I did today!  (Unless of course I have some terrible scarf-related dream again).

I hope everyone's well - we're having such a mild winter it's hard for me to remember it's January sometimes!

Have a great week everyone!


  1. Yay! I'm glad your first day went well! It's so weird to be a student again after a few years off. But I like being a student.

    Textbooks are INSANE prices. My Math textbook was $130. I was not a fan of that. Sometimes I wonder what the actual production cost of the books are and how much profit the publisher is making. It's probably like 70%.

    Good luck with your classes! They sound interesting! It will be cool to learn about how airlines work!

    P.S. My cousin Carrie (she's like 60) is a travel agent with a place called Connection Key Travel. She has arranged our cruises and such. If you need a contact in the industry, I can hook you up. :)

  2. What is this "draw?"

    P.S. You missed a good Swiss Chalet dinner last night. Logan loved the fish in the aquarium....Next time.

  3. P.S. He didn't eat the fish!!!
