Thursday 28 June 2012

June's comings and goings

Well, June is almost done.  Actually, it's the 28th.  Today is my sister's 4th wedding anniversary, so Happy Anniversary!!

June has brought fun times, and a week off of school which is great!  At the beginning of June, we had Camp Day at work.  That is an annual event that raises money for the Tim Hortons Foundation.  We had a reptile guy come in and show us cool creatures.  My Mom, Jill and Logan came and saw them!  Here is a picture of my co worker Matt showing the lizard/crocodile (not sure what it was) to my nephew!

Then last weekend I went to the cottage with my sisters, their significant others, and my nephew.  As always, it was a great time.  I just love it up there!  Here are a few pictures of that trip!

That was a nice weekend.  It was raining the day we left, which always makes it easier.

After that weekend, I went to visit Jenna in Barrie.  Jenna is a friend of mine from University.  We had a great time down at Barrie's waterfront, and later catching up with her family.

So, all in all, June has been a good month!  Lots of travelling & visiting with friends.  The second half of my second semester starts next week, and I'll have Travel Geography 2, Hotel Operations, Active Citizenship, and my continuing French courses.

That's my update for now!

Monday 4 June 2012

Dean's Honours List!

Today I got mail from Mohawk College.  This is a transcription of the letter I received!

Dear Ian:

It gives us great pleasure to advise you that you have been named to the Dean's Honours List for the Winter 2012 semester.

This is an honour reserved for those who have met the extremely high standards established for this special recognition.  We know that this standard can only be met through a great deal of hard work and dedicated effort, and it is an achievement for which you should be very proud.

We would like to take this opportunity to offer our personal congratulations to you and to extend congratulations from the faculty and staff at the College.  Your efforts have been recognized and are appreciated, especially by those faculty members with whom you have been most closely associated.

Congratulations once again on a job well done and best wishes for the future.


Friday 1 June 2012


Well, a few weeks ago, we were bored and didn't know what to do.  I suggested going to Niagara-on-the-Lake - a very quaint town close to Niagara Falls.  It's a big tourist attraction, so during the summer it's riddled with people, but we went before that so it wasn't too busy.

One of Niagara-on-the-Lake's most famous events is probably the Shaw Festival.  It's a nearly half-year long festival of theatre.

Anyway, we went a bit late so not much was open, but the buildings were nice and the horses and buggies were still out.  Here are some pictures:

Tulips at dusk

Those are some pictures from our adventure.  We vow to go back during the day when we can explore the little shops and look around the town a bit more.

For now, it's off to school.  I have 3 classes today - Worldwide Tours, Active Citizenship, and Apollo (I just wrote my midterm exam in Apollo yesterday - 96% . I thought I got perfect!  I'll be able to see where I messed up today.)

K bye everyone!