Friday 30 March 2012

Final marks and other tidbits

Hello!  Well, I got the final mark that I was waiting for in Travel Geography.  It was 96%!

This weekend I'm going to the Maple Syrup Festival in Elmira, Ontario with my roommate/best friend Steph.  This is my first time going to the festival, and I'm really looking forward to it!  There are "sugar bush tours" on the schedule, but we'll have to see if they are running when we get there.  We have had really strange weather this year in Southern Ontario, so the trees aren't producing their syrup as they usually do.  It has been really hot, then really cold.  About a week ago (maybe 2 weeks ago now), it was in the 20s all week.  It's supposed to snow today.  As you can see, it's crazy.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to that.

There will be pictures here and info about that festival after the weekend!!
Bye everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Great marks Ian.
    Enjoy the festival,I will be looking for the pictures. I hope the weather is nice for you.
