Saturday 31 March 2012

Quick Update!

Oh, quick update!  The teacher made a mistake marking my exam - I was supposed to get 88/90 instead, which makes 98%!!!

Friday 30 March 2012

Final marks and other tidbits

Hello!  Well, I got the final mark that I was waiting for in Travel Geography.  It was 96%!

This weekend I'm going to the Maple Syrup Festival in Elmira, Ontario with my roommate/best friend Steph.  This is my first time going to the festival, and I'm really looking forward to it!  There are "sugar bush tours" on the schedule, but we'll have to see if they are running when we get there.  We have had really strange weather this year in Southern Ontario, so the trees aren't producing their syrup as they usually do.  It has been really hot, then really cold.  About a week ago (maybe 2 weeks ago now), it was in the 20s all week.  It's supposed to snow today.  As you can see, it's crazy.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to that.

There will be pictures here and info about that festival after the weekend!!
Bye everyone!

Monday 12 March 2012

Half way through the first quarter

Well, as the title suggests, I'm half way through my first of four semesters.  I have written all of my mid-term exams and have most of the marks back.  I realize it's been a while since I updated so I apologize, but here we go with my updates!

I wrote 6 mid-terms.  I'm still waiting for one mark (which I think will be the highest), but here's what I know:

Airline Operations (one of my 2 favourite courses) - 94%
Communications (the English course) - 81%
Independent Tours - 98%
Introduction to Tourism - 84%
French level 2 - 96%

I'm waiting for my mark for Travel Geography which is my other favourite course.

Ok, other than that what else is new... I recently finished learning all of the countries of the world and their capital cities.  That was fun.  It should come in handy during an episode or two of Jeopardy.  My favourites?  Tegucigalpa (the capital city of Honduras), Ouagadougou (capital of Burkina Faso), and Antananarivo (capital of Madagascar).

After at least 2 years of looking at the living room and deciding that it couldn't be changed, we finally rearranged it.  It looks nice.  There are also new curtains that I bought from a store called Tag.  I'll take a picture at some point.  Not now though, because my roommate is sleeping on the couch!

The weather here has been crazy.  It was -17 the other night.  It snowed.  This week, it's supposed to go up to 18 or 19!  I'm not sure what's going on, but it's entertaining anyway.

I've signed up for level 3 French.  That starts in April.  There isn't much of a break between the second level and the third though, maybe only a week.

Remix (the chocolate lab) is great.  He's much better than when he was a puppy!  Now he's friendly and fun.  A little stupid sometimes, but that's just part of his charm.  Here's the most recent picture I have of him.

That was actually taken in January but he pretty much looks the same now.

I recently took a trip to Toronto to visit a friend who I went to Western with.  She works for the Canadian Opera Company, and we were able to go into their performance hall the Four Seasons Centre for the Performing Arts.  It's a really really beautiful place:

It was a really cool experience - with the exception of some maintenance workers, we were there alone.  We went up to the 2nd Balcony area and sat in the chairs for a while.  There was a guy on the stage sweeping.  The place was built so well, with acoustics in mind, that I could hear the sound of the bristles on the floor.  It was amazing.  It sounded like the broom had a microphone attached to it.  It was so cool.  That was a very fun night!

Well I believe those are all of my updates for now.  I asked my teacher today about the Travel Geography mark and she said that it will likely be posted tonight or tomorrow so perhaps I'll just jump on here and quickly post how I did!

Have a great March everyone!