Tuesday 27 December 2011

Children of Eden

Well, as I said in my last post, I just finished playing for a musical called Children of Eden.  It follows the story of creation from the beginning until the end of the Flood of Genesis.  It's not considered a religious play, just one that teaches about second chances and new beginnings etc.  Right, well anyway, it was SOOOOOO fun.  I just loved it.  I have played for 5 musicals in my day.  Chronologically, they were Oliver, Pirates of Penzance, Beauty and the Beast, Footloose and Children of Eden.

I don't know how to explain how fun it is.  Something about the energy on stage seeps down into the pit where the musicians are and I just can't help but get inspired from it.

I'm not sure if I'll get a recording of the play, but if I do, I'll be sure to post a link to the music here.  Otherwise, if you go to Youtube and type in Children of Eden, you'll find some good music.  Look for "Ain't it Good?" or "Children of Eden" or "In the Beginning".  They're all good, but those 3 are the ones that I liked the best.

So that has sadly come and gone, and so has Christmas!  That will be the topic of my next post.  Christmas!

I thought that I should put up a picture of what the tree ended up looking like that we cut down in my last post, so here it is!

Once again, that Logan gets in the picture!  So not only can you see the tree, you can see how cute Logan is.  Win win!

Hope all is well with all.

Keep checking in!

Tuesday 20 December 2011

Christmas traditions

It may be a bit cliché, but Christmas is my favourite time of year.  I just love the lights, the music and of course, the company.  It brings for all of us a bunch of traditions.  Aside from decorating, I think the earliest tradition (that is to say the one that happens first, not necessarily the oldest) is going to cut down the Christmas tree.

Every year my family ventures out to the Christmas tree farm to 'pick the perfect pine'.  (It isn't usually a pine, I was just going for an alliteration).  Here are some pictures of this year's Christmas tree cutting tradition:

Ok so now that I've uploaded the pictures, I've realized the pictures aren't really of the Christmas tree cutting traditions at all, they're more of my nephew, but that's ok because he's cute.

Alright, that's that!  I'll be back soon with an update of a musical I just played for.  It was fun!  Talk to everyone soon, hope December is treating you well!