Wednesday 3 October 2012

The Canadian National Exhibition

Well, I apologize for not posting during September!  I have been quite busy with school and stuff!  I am getting my own apartment in November and have already moved from my old dwelling.  All of that has made me quite the busy body.  Anyway, now that I have time, I thought I'd make a post about the CNE, or the Canadian National Exhibition.

I went to this on a lovely sunny day with Steph.  This was my first time going there and I was surprised to see how big it was!  The CNE started in 1879 and has been annually held since.  This is their 133rd year!!  Like I said, it was huge.  They had convention halls set up with things to buy, sample and use.  They had a huge international building where it was set up like a market and on each booth it showed what country the people were from.  That part was so interesting.  Then we continued on and reached the main building where they were selling things.  The Canadian cheese people were there.  We conveniently showed up about 5 minutes before a seminar they were holding so we attended and got to sample free cheese!  Here are some pictures of my experience!

We got to try 5 types of cheese, all of which I enjoyed.  We started with mild ones and ended with a very strong cheddar.  mmm!

Then we continued on our journey and found the food building.  It was soooo big and overwhelming.  We decided the best plan of attack was to walk around the whole thing and see what there was to choose from, then to go get lunch.  So we did that and I ended up getting Greek food.  I'm not sure if there is a picture from that experience, but it was fun!  There were easily 100 restaurants to choose from.

Then we went outside and walked down the midway, I put a loonie down on a crown & anchor game and won 2 back!  We continued and went to the animal building where we got to see a bunch of livestock and pet some of them too!  I like that part - animals bring a smile to my face!

I like this picture.  It shows the midway, and the aerial tram ride that brings you from one side of the fair to the other.  Then there's the iconic CN tower in the background.  Fun!

Here are some of the animals!

That last one is a bad picture of me, but is an example of how close you can get to the animals!  I'm not sure if I mentioned this before, but I really liked the goats (even though there isn't a picture of me with one) and if I ever end up with an exotic pet, it will likely be a goat.

Right.  Anyway, then we went to a really cool acrobat show which was worth the price of admission to the CNE in itself.  It was amazing!!  I couldn't get good pictures because it was dark in there but I can say that we saw 2 skaters there who are famous (Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir).  They were part of the show.

It was a great day - nice weather and fun times!  Sadly, as I sit and write this, it is a bit less than spectacular outside, but alas.  It's October and we must start to fasten our winter seatbelts because we're in for a long ride until April when things start getting hot again!  Luckily, I am a winter person and I actually prefer cold weather!  Good thing for me I live in the Great White North! lol.

Alright.  Have a swell day everyone.  My next post - this year's cottage trip!