Saturday 25 August 2012

Dundurn National Historic Site

Well here in Hamilton we have very few old things.  Age is all relative however, we need to keep that in mind.  In Canada, old things are 200 years old.  In Europe, I was walking through places that were 1000 years old.
Anyway, back to my topic.  Dundurn National Historic Site is an old building that has been restored to a museum.  It is laid out to portray what life would have looked like in the 1800s when the MacNab family lived there.  The property is on the waterfront which lends to nice views, but most of my pictures were taken inside.  Hamiltonians call the place Dundurn Castle.  That is an informal name we use.  Kind of how we call the escarpment the "Hamilton Mountain".
Anyway, here are some pictures!!