Thursday 17 May 2012

My second semester starts... and other updates

Hello all!  Welcome back.

Lots has happened since my last post and for those who are close to the family I'm sure you've been informed. Since this blog is accessible by everyone who has internet, I've decided to keep our loss private out of respect.

My second semester has started and I have a whole bunch of new classes.  Here they are:
Worldwide Tours
Power of Pictures - Today's Visual Culture (that's my elective)
Apollo reservations systems
Active Citizenship

In addition to that, I'm continuing on with my French courses.  I'm in level 3 of those now.
My classes are pretty good.  I haven't decided which one is my favourite yet, but they all seem interesting anyway.  As usual, every day in class I'm reminded of the fact that I want to travel!  It's a dangerous program to be in for someone flighty like me!

A few weekends ago, May 5th-6th specifically, there was an event called Open Doors Hamilton.  It is a special annual event during which historic buildings are open to the public.  This year I went with Steph to the Auchmar Estate.  This is a large house on the corner of West 5th Street and Fennel Avenue in Hamilton on the west mountain, 'kiddie corner' to Mohawk College.  I have always seen that house and have always wanted to go in.  This was my chance!

It was more or less what I expected in terms of architecture but it was much more worn down than I thought it would be.  It is kind of sad to see what has happened to one of the few old buildings we have here in Hamilton.  My time spent in Europe showed me many things, one of which was that we have almost nothing of historical significance around here.  It's too bad that the Auchmar Estate is in the state it's in, but they are raising money for it and all.

Here are some pictures from that tour:

The south side

The ceiling leading to the hallway

The church that was added when the complex was being used as a monastery

The north side.  (almost identical to the other side because this was originally used as the front)

I saw a tree that I liked so I lied down underneath it, looked up and took this picture

That was my trip to Auchmar.  It was really fun and something I've wanted to do for a really long time!  Let's see.  I'm not sure what other news I have right now, except that Victoria Day is soon.  For my international friends, Victoria Day is also known as "May 2-4" (said May two four) - referencing a case of beer!  It's a big celebration here because it informally marks the beginning of the summer for us.  It's when we go up to the cottage and open it for the summer.  It's a good time.  That's this weekend.  I'll probably have to work (I think I just threw up a bit...) but at least it's a holiday and I'll get paid extra.

That's all for now!  I hope everyone is well!